The pictures on this Website are from various conventions and events.

No written releases were obtained from the models photographed. Some pictures were taken with verbal permission of the models photographed. Any use, including commercial or other, may require signed releases from the models and locations photographed.

Permission is hereby given to use these pictures for any purpose on a non-exclusive basis, including commercial use. Permission is given to modify the pictures in any way, to include them in any collection, and to post them on the Internet.

However, any use, including both commercial or other, may require signed releases from the models photographed. If releases are required, it would be your responsibility to obtain them.

All pictures were taken by Jerry N. Shaw. Jerry N. Shaw is the copyright holder of record of these pictures.

Prior permission is not required from me for the use of these pictures, but my name in the credits would be appreciated.


Thank you,

Jerry N. Shaw (signed)